Questionable Tactics is a semi-hardcore alliance guild on Cenarius. Our goal each tier is to complete AoTC on heroic difficulty. We then complete the achievements available for the current raid before completing the previous tier on mythic difficulty. We are very proud of the community we have built and grown within the guild. We search for players who we think will be a good fit in the guild to help it keep growing both in terms of their social fit as well as their attitude toward raiding & mythic+. As long as you are a good fit for the guild, in terms of social fit and game fundamentals, gear isn't a concern.
Raid Times
Weekend - Saturday and Sunday 9am to Noon PST.
If you are interested you can contact Rhuudii#1791
Bnet: Rhuudii#1791
This data is based on Questionable Tactics's recent reports.
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