Guild & Server: Area52 We are currently looking for committed players for 9.2 raid progression. Our goal is to start progression thru mythic Sepulcher and then backtrack to obtain AotC. If raid isn't your forte, our additional goal is to have an abundance of people for m+ and other activities.
Raid Times/Days: Friday/Saturday 9:30 pm -12:30 am EST
Current Progression: SoF 2/11 M; 10/11 H | SoD 4/10 M
Raid Recruitment Contact: alwaysmeggles#5815 (Discord)
Raiding Requirements: Players must be willing to improve, have a positive attitude, and be willing to commit to progress (both as a team and individually). We request potential recruits to have any logs from mythic CN/SoD, or Heroic Sepulcher experience available. Must be dedicated, reliable, and be open to constructive criticism.
Needs: Tank (pref BDK); DPS - DH, warrior, lock, DK. All will be considered. Relevent tank/healing offspecs are a plus.
Avoiding: Groups. Alts will be considered but it's something we're trying to avoid as we want people who are not only going to commit to the raid team, but also to the guild.
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